AI for Digital Humanities and Computational Social Sciences Chapitre d’ouvrage - 2020

Alexandre Gefen, Léa Saint-Raymond, Tommaso Venturini

Alexandre Gefen, Léa Saint-Raymond, Tommaso Venturini, « AI for Digital Humanities and Computational Social Sciences  », in Bertrand Braunschweig, Malik Ghallab (eds.), Reflections on AI for Humanity, à paraître


AI raises multiple essential issues for the humanities and the social sciences. AI is obviously a major societal issue whose consequences are currently invading the public sphere raising a variety of questions of acceptability, privacy protection or economic impact, and involving expertises that span across the entire range of social and human research. But AI is also a new way of doing research, where massive data processing is made possible by techniques of machine and deep learning, offering new perspectives for analysis. Reflecting about the nature of intelligence and humanity, but also helping the humanities and the social sciences to benefit from the methodological advances of AI : this is the double challenge that this chapter would like to tackle.

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