India’s Season of Dissent : An Interview with Poet Karthika Naïr Article - 2020

Laetitia Zecchini, Karthika Naïr

Laetitia Zecchini, Karthika Naïr, « India’s Season of Dissent : An Interview with Poet Karthika Naïr  », South Asia Multidisciplinary Academic Journal, 2020


In the following interview Karthika Naïr and Laetitia Zecchini talk of Shaheen Bagh and Karthiika Nair’s poem “Ghazal : India’s Season of Dissent ; of the activism of Indian writers and artists ; the politics of literature ; of the relevance of poetry to protest movements and resistance struggles ; of how literary texts can “respond” to violence, grief and pain. And since Karthika Naïr’s poetry and biography constantly weave together a multitude of contexts, voices, and cultural backgrounds, she also throws light on the interconnection and intersectionality of these struggles ; on the resonances of the anti-CAA protests and of Shaheen Bagh outside India ; on how terror and resistance to terror are echoed in different parts of the world.

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